Heat magazine does a weird crushes poll every year in which you vote for your strange crush. The poll is usually topped by Richard Hammond or James May. These crushes are the ones where the guys are un-cool or they are about the same age as your dad. Thinking about it there is probably a daddy complex in relation to these. These guys could probably look after you, make you laugh or give you a massive bear hug when you need one, it's more the thought of them looking after you than a physical attraction I am guessing...or hoping.

He looks nothing like my boyfriend or anyone else I have ever fancied for that matter but there is something about him that I find attractive.
I really don't know what it is. Is it his stage persona? His cockiness? Or his singing voice? I don't think it's the fact that he is in a band as I usually like bass players or guitarists, but again my boyfriend is neither.
It's almost as if you have always liked big rugby guys who are huge and muscly and you are out and see a skinny indie guy with loads of tattoos and a cool haircut and a flutter in your stomach appears and you think 'huh? How strange?' But then at the same time there is something about them, you don't know whether to tell your friends as you know you will get the look of a 'really? He's not your type is he?' or you know they are thinking 'Oh My God he looks awful, have you no taste? Or are you that drunk?'
I suppose some of them are just that they are so different from what you are used to, it's like if you are a boy and you like brunettes and then you have a crush on Nicola Roberts or Pamela Anderson.

It's not that werid crushes are ugly but most of the time no-one can figure out why they like someone, may not be weird to all but some. I would consider Tom Cruise a weird crush, why oh why would anyone like him?
I think weird crushes should be embraced, as you never know, if you are single and your usually type never really works out maybe this weird crush will? As they say in Priscilla Musical 'You don't know unless you give it a go.'
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