Saturday 14 May 2011

'Once a cheater, always a cheater.' Rachel - Friends

Due to the amount of stories recently about lying cheating scumbags it got me thinking about cheating.

It seems now that cheating has got a whole lot easier. For the rich and famous they can pick someone up, treat them mean, dump them, then get a super injunction  to stop them ever revealing details on the affair. These people seem to think that with fame comes power and the excuse to do what they want and get away with it. I think this has instilled a sense that you can cheat and its fine, the partner's forgive and they return to normal life not facing any consequences.

The emergence of social networks has meant that the fine lines of cheating have been blurred, before a kiss or more was considered cheating, but now due to Facebook, Twitter and mobile phones cheating has become cyber.

Who can forget Vernon Kay's sexting or Jason Manford getting and sending rude messages via twitter. It seems to some that if there is no physical contact then surely it cannot be cheating, but it does make you think if you found out your partner was sending stuff like that wouldn't you feel hurt? confused? and embarrassed? It's hard is an affair of the mind worse than the flesh? I think sometimes it can be as flesh can be a physical thing but mind is a deeper level and is more about emotions.

Cheating though is cheating, if you are entertaining thoughts of being with someone else other than your partner that is cheating, especially if you make it obvious and actually voice them outside of you head.

It relates to trust I think, you want to think you are your partner's one and only and the thought of them thinking those types of thoughts about someone else just makes your guts churn.

Social networking has been blamed for a lot. For the decline in face to face conversation and the need to be friends with everyone, even those people who you hated but you keep them just to be nosey. I just think as well that social networking allows people to meet people that they wouldn't usually get the opportunity to meet. It also can give a false security, whereas someone might not have the confidence to approach someone in a  club it is very easy to face rejection when its a friend request or instant message.

It can make it hard for any sane woman, just too much to compete with I suppose. But lets not fret there are good people out there who are faithful and trustworthy.

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