Monday 30 May 2011

Now I'm 25

So... 25, the big two five, quarter of a century! WHOA!

I'm not going to lie, little bit freaked out by turning 25. When you are younger you think by the time I'm 25 I'll have a house, be married with kids. Now I'm here I'm still at home and I have just figured out my career path and maybe on my way to the house, marriage and kids.

I still feel quite young at 25 to be a mother, I have friends who have babies, houses and husbands, and although I do feel ready at the same time I don't mind that I don't have it. I'm not going to lie sometimes I would like my own place and my own space.

My age.... I don't know you think of all these goals but then when you get there you can't understand why you haven't got there yet, but then when you plan your future you just assume everything will go well, I have been with my boyfriend for five years and although there were points we could have moved in together we have both had dead end jobs, been made redundant from career jobs and embarked on new education courses or training so the opportunity to do so, or more the money has never been there.

I think you can plan as much as you want but at the end of the day you can't plan everything.
So I suppose at the end of the day I should embrace being 25 as you  know age is only a number.... now to enjoy my kids tea party birthday dinner... what? 

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