Monday 20 August 2012

Film review - The Waitress

I thought I would write some film reviews of new ones I have see and some of my favourites just to share the knowledge.

This time I thought I would review Waitress, a 2007 American comedy-drama that is just brilliant.

Keri Russell plays Jenna a waitress living in American South, she is trapped in an unhappy marriage with an abusive husband called Earl, played by Jeremy Sisto who has previously starred in Clueless and is in Suburgatory.

She works in Joe's Pie Diner where she invents pies with unusual titles inspired by her life.

The way she talks about her pies and the flavours makes your mouth water and the names are perfect summing up her life around her including 'Bad Baby Pie' when she finds out she is pregnant and doesn't want the baby.

What I found out was that the writer and director Adrienne Shelly died at the age of 40, she plays Jenna's friend Dawn sadly murdered before the film hit the big time.

The film shows Jenna's desperation in wanting to run away from her husband. She puts money aside to enter a pie contest in a nearby town, which has a $25,000 prize. Her husband doesn't want her to go for fear she won't come back, which is exactly what she would do given half the chance.

It is just a really sweet film, where not a lot happens but it really pulls on the heart strings. It is funny and heartbreaking.

Jenna's friends have perfect comedic timing especially Becky played by Cheryl Hines, who also now stars in Suburgatory and the diner owner Joe who encourages her to do her own thing. She also embarks on a fling with the new doctor Jim Pomatter played by Nathan Fillion.

She begins a journal noting all her recipe ideas and also growing in love for her unborn baby.
After watching this film I want to bake more than anything, I could imagine a cupcake equivalent.

I won't spoil the ending but don't think this is a boring hum-drum film it is just a perfect film and my boyfriend loves it as well so it isn't the usual rom-com film.

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