Monday 31 October 2011

Shock, Shock, Horror, Horror.. films!

Horror films were the staple ingredient for a sleepover when I was younger. The gorier the better. Films such as Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer and  Nightmare on Elm Street were always on the list among the rom-coms, scaring the crap out of us. Slashers and horror films were the best in the nineties and some of the ones in the eighties.

The old slasher films, I think, are so much better than the films we have now, films such as Paranormal Activity or Saw.  I know when you come down to it they do the same job, scaring the begees out of us, but the way in which they do it is not normal. I know horrors are by no means normal, but a part of the scariness is that it is not out of the realm of possibility, but the new ones it is just freaky that someone has thought of it.

Films such as Saw are usually described as torture porn, as the level of torture is gratifying to some degrees for those watching. Although these films are scary, the plot is usually very loose and I personally don't think as scary.

In the slashers of old the killer wasn't some psycho nut, they were the girl's boyfriend, a disgruntled friend  or the town loner. It was scary because it could be someone you know.  They also were gory but by no means as gory as some of these films now.

Ghost films such as Paranormal Activity do freak me out, I'm not going to lie, ghost stories are creepy the unknown, something which is far beyond our comprehension. But I am tired of these films. Slasher films the killer usually got their comeuppance at the end, e.g they usually die, which meant at the end of the film you felt a sense of relief. These ghost films leave you on edge and if you have watched them at home, alone, you freak out at the slightest creak or squeak.

Slashers are good for sleepovers as they make you jump and panic, then giggle at how stupid you have been. Torture films and ghost films leave you after with a heightened sense of fear, which is never fun.

I suppose I want a horror film that scares and thrills but doesn't leave me with nightmares for the next few weeks. I think it symbolises the times in many ways that the only way people can get their horror scares is by being disgusted.

Which I suppose leads me onto the more recent gore-fest Human Centipede one and two. The premise of which is a mad doctor who joins people by openings in their body to form a centipede. The second one was at first banned in the UK by the BBFC due to its content but has since been given an 18 with cuts made. I personally haven't seen the first one, because I don't see how you can get enjoyment, and at the end of the day that is what a film is meant to be a form of enjoyment,  from a film that is in such poor taste and disgusting. I know I cannot say too much as I haven't seen it but on the premise I really don't want to see it.

Also on my last moan but why do we have to keep remaking horror films?? They were good when they came out leave them alone!

That's it I like my horrors and feel they should be slashers, thrilling and chilling.

By the way Happy Halloween people enjoy your own horror films.

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