Friday 22 April 2011

Everything happens for a reason

I have passed all my exams, 1 A, 1 C and 4 Bs plus my 100 words a minute shorthand. So I am a real journalist, well at least a qualified one. Then from the 3rd May I suppose I will be a proper journalist or at least a paid one.

How scary! If someone had said a couple of years ago that I would be a qualified journalist about to start work on a newspaper I would never have believed them. When I was at Wiley I was very happy working there full time, but still writing on the side so I never thought I would really leave there. But then August 2009 I was told my department was being made redundant and my last day would be June 2010. So figuring out what I had to do: get a job or follow my dream, I took a risk of no money and trained to become a journalist and it has to be one of the best decisions I think I have ever made.

As my mum always says 'everything happens for a reason', and I do believe it. It's hard at the time obviously because you can't see anything good from a bad situation but in the end see and in a couple of months or years you will see everything does happen for a reason.

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